Jackets enhanced with shoulder pads, narrow waists, knee length skirts – my uniform for work during the 1980s. But it wasn’t the cusp of a new innovative design in fashion – it was a nod to the difficult war years of the early 1940s.
What I love about the Fernie Museum events is the exploration of the affects of certain times and circumstances on how people lived their lives. Last year we created a true Speak Easy, complete with unknown locations, secret passwords and vintage cocktails and appies – a very authentic experience of the 1920s.
This year our fall fund raising event has a World War II theme. The Boogie Woogie Bitz Ball will set the stage for the mindset of the times – shortages due to the war effort, nightly air raid sirens sending people scampering to bomb shelters and fashions that took a turn toward the military uniform.
I loved my 1980s shoulder pads. Being fairly tall I could pull off that broad, flat shoulder line. So when I started to look at dress designs for my costume for the ball I loved all I saw and had trouble deciding. But I knew that Louise Hilliard would save me.
Louise is a professionally trained seamstress who we are lucky to have living in Fernie – I knew she could create a vintage dress for the party.
After some initial discussions, a fabric shopping expedition and some measurements the project has been started. Blog instalments of its development will come over the weeks leading up to the party.
For costume ideas for your Boogie Woogie Blitz Ball outfit , for both men and women, try