August 27th-September 4th 2018, Location TBA, Nelson, BC
September 27th- October 14th 2018, Fernie Museum, Fernie, BC
The purpose for this art show is to highlight the work of queer and trans/gender non-conforming artists in the Kootenay region while creating educational opportunities, fostering community connection, and promoting resilience through the arts.
Artists and craftspeople of all disciplines who are living in or are from the Kootenay Region of BC, who also identify as members of the queer and trans/gender non-conforming community, including but not limited to queer, two-spirit, transgender, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, pansexual, bisexual, lesbian, and/or gay. Artists who are also indigenous, black, people of colour, people with disabilities, neuro-diverse, or artists with other intersecting identities with in the LGBTQ+ community are strongly encouraged to apply.
- Complete the online application form by visiting: www.samontecruzstudios.com/KootenayLGBTQArtShow
- Email a current CV and related artwork images to info@samontecruzstudios.com
- Email 5-10 images, a maximum of 1 MB file size each (jpeg format with a resolution of 72
dpi at 1024 x 768 pixels) of the work intended for exhibition or related/recent work. - Images must be labeled with a number/title. For video or film, email direct links or mail a
DVD related to your proposal in .avi, .mov, .mpg, or .mpeg format. Do not send video files electronically. To submit a hard copy contact info@samontecruzstudios.com for a mailing address.